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5B Aquariums Supplies

Baby Whale Fish

Baby Whale Fish

Regular price $39.99
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The Baby Whale is an intelligent Mormyrid that is an interesting fish to keep, and it has quite a good personality. These fish are active, but they will need a cave or some type of hiding spot to seek cover in the aquarium. The "baby whale" is a carnivore, and it should be fed a diet of live and frozen foods such as ghost shrimp, blood worms and black worms. These fish will get aggressive as they get larger, so they are not suitable with small timid schooling fish.

It requires a minimum of a 50 gallon aquarium with good water conditions. It is generally timid and reclusive, preferring a fine-gravel-bottom aquarium with plenty of plants and rocks for hiding places where it can find refuge from the light. To better appreciate this fish, many hobbyists will purchase a "ghost tube," a clear plastic tube that facilitates viewing during the day. Once accustomed to its surroundings, the Elephant Nose can become incredibly tame and trusting to the point of being hand-held. It does well with other, larger species of a peaceful nature, but may be aggressive towards those of similar or smaller size.

The Baby Whale is carnivorous and will eat many types of meaty foods including; blood worms, chopped earthworms, brine shrimp, flake and pellet foods as well as an array of frozen meaty foods.

Care Level: Moderate
Temperament: Semi-aggressive
Color Form: Black
Diet: Carnivore
Water Conditions: 73-80° F, KH 0-10, pH 6.5-7.0
Max. Size: 9"
Family: Mormyridae
Minimum Tank Size: 50 gallons

Approximate Purchase Size: Small: 3" to 4"

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