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5B Aquariums Supplies

Clown Pleco L104

Clown Pleco L104

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The Clown Pleco L104 is a stunning pleco. Reaching a max size of 4 inches, the Clown Pleco is well suited for shrimp or community aquariums. They are very peaceful in general although they may show some aggression toward other Clown Plecos. The addition of pleco caves and driftwood will leave the Clown Pleco feeling right at home. 

The Clown Pleco is mainly a wood eater although it will accept vegetables and algae based foods. While they are hard to sex and breed, breeding them in a home aquarium is possible. The Clown Pleco originates from Venezuela and Columbia. They accept a wide range of parameters and are extremely hardy compared to other similar species. They do prefer soft water so avoid high pH setups such as African Cichlid aquariums. 

The scientific name for the Clown Pleco L104 is Panaque maccus.

Care Level: Easy
Temperament: Peaceful
Color Form: Brown, Gold
Diet: Omnivore
Water Conditions74-79° F, KH 6-10, pH 6.5-7.4
Max. Size: 4"
Family: Loricariidae

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