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5B Aquariums Supplies

Comet Feeders Goldfish

Comet Feeders Goldfish

Regular price $0.40
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The Comet is a graceful alternative to standard pond fish. It has a brilliant red body contrasted with soft white patches and a single-tail. Though it may resemble ornamental carp, the Comet lacks the barbels in the mouth area, the markings at the base of the scales, and the size. The Comet adds unique beauty to any large backyard water garden oasis.

The Comet is originally from China and over the years it has been distributed worldwide. The ideal setup for the hardy Comet is a pond of at least 180 gallons with a gravel substrate, rocks, and cold-hardy plants. The comet will tend to grow in proportion to its surroundings. It likes to eat the roots of plants and will dig to get to them, so provide large rocks around the base of the plants to protect the plants. Adequate filtration should be provided in order to maintain proper water conditions.

The male can be differentiated from the female by the concave anal section and, sometimes, breeding spots on the head. Spawning may result in as many as 1,000 eggs and the fry emerge in about six days. Feed the fry small live foods, and their color will emerge in about eight months.

Common goldfish have a multitude of purposes. Goldfish do well in most freshwater aquarium settings and do well with outdoor ponds and water gardens. Goldfish are a community fish and do well with most other freshwater fish including other goldfish, koi, and butterfly koi. Smaller common goldfish are also commonly used as feeder fish to feed other fish and live animals.

Approximate Purchase Size: Small: 0.5" to 1" Large: 2" to 2.5"

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