5B Aquariums Supplies
Gold Pristella Tetra
Gold Pristella Tetra
The Gold Pristella Tetra has a natural tolerance to a wide range of water parameters. This characteristic makes the Gold Pristella Tetra well suited for a variety of aquarium setups including the community aquarium. Unlike sensitive tetra species that need to be kept in soft water conditions, the hardy Gold Pristella Tetra is an excellent choice for new aquarists. Furthermore, the Gold Pristella Tetra is very peaceful and is compatible with other non-aggressive fish.
The ideal aquarium setup for the Gold Pristella Tetra will include live plants, rocks and driftwood to recreate natural habitat and provide hiding spaces. The Gold Pristella Tetra is a schooling fish and should be ideally kept in groups of six or more. Similar to other tetra species, the male Gold Pristella Tetra will tend to be smaller and thinner than the female.
The natural diet of the Gold Pristella Tetra consists primarily of small insects and planktonic animals. However, it will accept frozen or freeze-dried brine shrimp, daphnia, bloodworms tubifex, as well as micro pellet food and high quality flake foods.
Your item may not look identical to the image provided due to variation within species. Purchase size is approximate.
Approximate Purchase Size: 1/4" - 1"