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5B Aquariums Supplies

Peace lily

Peace lily

Regular price $5.99
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Peace lily, Spathiphyllum wallisii, is a popular, low-maintenance house plant with glossy, green leaves and white flowers, called spathes. Native to Central America, it's used to a warm, humid environment and is perfect for growing in a bright bathroom. Peace lilies are easy to grow and relatively trouble-free.

The name 'peace lily' relates to its white flowers, which are thought to look like white flags (a symbol of peace). Peace lily isn't actually a lily but an arum, and is in the same family as Zantedeschia and lords-and-ladies (Arum maculatum), as well as less obvious plants such as Swiss cheese plant (Monstera) and dumb cane (Dieffenbachia). Peace lilies are easy to grow, and help to clean and purify the air.

Although the peace lily will grow in poor light, it flowers better in bright, indirect light and will struggle to produce blooms in deep shade. Peace lilies usually begin flowering in early spring, with each flower lasting up to four weeks. If your peace lily hasn't flowered, this may be because it hasn't reached maturity.

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